Salvage, Diving & Marine Services
Lavori Marittimi e Costruzioni Subacquee, Salvage, Ispezioni di Carena, batimetrie, archeologia subacquea, boe, fender, segnalamenti marittimi, sgrottature, aree marine protette,
Monitoring and debunkrting, ballasting, hull repair, parbuckling, refloating, wreck removal, environmental remedial.
submarine cables
Cable lay support, inspection repair and maintenance, installation of anchoring systems.
Multy Beam and Single Beam bathy surveys, seismic and geognostic mappings.
Underwater stratigraphic excavation, topographic surveying, site investigation, underwater mechanical and instrumental surveys.
Lavori di scavo stratigrafico archeologico e rilievo topografico, prospezioni archeologiche, censimento siti per rilascio VIARC, rilievi subacquei manuali e strumentali.
Oil & Gas terminal maintenance and repairs. Tie-ins, spool pieces and risers installation.
Confined Spaces
Confined spaces intervention, maintenance of water and fuel tanks, rope access, water well remedial.
harbour works
General harbour works and maintainance, subsea civil engineering, underwater concreting, pile driving, rock armour and sheet piling installation.
harbour mooring systems
Procurement, installation and maintenance of mooring and fendering systems for commercial harbours and marinas.
construction diving services
Civil engeneering diving, underwater demolition and debris removal, land reclamation, dredging, ship husbandry.
leisure boating & marina services
Hull and propeller maintenance, hull cleaning, installation and maintenance of floating docks.
marine parks & reserves
Procurement, installation and maintenance of nav aids and mooring systems for marine reserves. Certified installation of Platypus environmentally friendly mooring systems.